Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Goals in Life

I can't afford much. I'm 24, in an entry level position, and I have thousands of dollars in student loans to pay off. I'm far from frivolous with my money...I don't go to fancy restaurants or take lavish and exotic vacations, I'm not an impulse buyer and I still live at home with my family. Alas, my one and only vice is fashion. I wish I could shop every day of my life, and buy every bag and shoe that the good Lord put on this earth. I have dreams about running through the shoe department at Macy's Herald Square. I think heaven is a big fancy department store where everything is designer and it's all free, and those stupid jerks who spray the latest J.LO perfume on you are actually holding delicious trays of cookies and cupcakes...I digress....What I'm trying to say is, I'm sick of all the magazines and all the department stores and all the morning talk shows who try to convince you that something is "cheap" or a "steal" when it's like $200. I'm not even going to spend $50 on a shirt, let alone one that's $200 and will probably be out of style next season. I also hate all those "cheap" fashion websites that try to sell you polyester-acryllic blend everything and hooker heels that only really trashy girls and cougars buy to attract drunk guys.
So I'm not here to sell you anything. I just want to make your life and mine a little easier. My hope is to create a forum for the fashionista on a budget. I want to be the town crier for every sale and clearance rack in every shopping mall across the country! I hope that others will share their 1/2 off experiences and discount designer finds. If we all work together, we can all save a buck or two, and look fabulous doing so.

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